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Mary Miller Biography



Mary’s drawings are reminiscent of folk quilts in that they follow simple patterns and reward the viewer’s contemplation by revealing subtle details and lovely irregularities. Mary often starts by drawing a broad band of saturated color around the outer edge of her paper or board. She then continues to spiral inward, adding wide bands of carefully selected colors until she reaches the middle. It is an enactment of centering that seems to anchor her in the present moment. She works with intensity and determination, reluctant to leave a piece before it is completed.


Mary’s drawings are reminiscent of folk quilts in that they follow simple patterns and reward the viewer’s contemplation by revealing subtle details and lovely irregularities. Mary often starts by drawing a broad band of saturated color around the outer edge of her paper or board. She then continues to spiral inward, adding wide bands of carefully selected colors until she reaches the middle. It is an enactment of centering that seems to anchor her in the present moment. She works with intensity and determination, reluctant to leave a piece before it is completed.

George Foley by Mary Miller

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